'BEFORE' pictures taken on 28/04/15 'AFTER' pictures taken on 26/06/15
Below are some photos of the progress of our new Parish Centre, started January 2014.


1st May 2015
This week saw a huge move forward in the building of the Parish Pastoral Centre as the roof was put on. Over the next few days the builders will be working at removing the excess soil and debris from the back of the Church, so that it can be taken away. As the weather has been so good for building, Duke Construction are on target for completion by the end of July.
8th February 2015
In the last week the trees have been cleared from the back of the Church, the gas and water supply has been re-routed, the fencing around the building site has been put in place and the works access from the Brackenstown Road has been opened. The trees will be replaced by a more suitable urban variety once the building is completed.
In the next week the foundations will dug out and the concrete will be poured. There is a tradition in buildings of placing holy medals in the foundations reflecting Psalm 127 “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labour.” At one of the morning Masses over the next two weeks we will bless the medals to be buried in the foundations. If you would like to give a medal to be placed in the foundation then please leave it into the Sacristy or Parish Office.
18th January 2015
On Tuesday the enabling works will begin to facilitate the construction of the Parish Centre. The trenches for the diversion of the Gas and Electricity supply to the Church is the first of these works. Our ‘Intention to Commence Construction’ has been lodged and accepted as valid by Fingal Co Co. This means that on Monday 19th January, Duke Construction will move on site, erect the hoarding to the left of the Church and start to build. The project will take 22 weeks and they are confident, weather permitting, to complete on time.
There will be some disruption as gas and electricity supplies are changed over, but these will be kept to a minimum. If at any stage during the construction you have concerns or comments, please contact Fr. Paul. Our Parish Finance Committee will soon be launching the fundraising campaign to raise the €50,000.00 which is needed to complete construction and furnish the building.
January 2015
Each year for the last three years we have been saying that we hope next year to bring the building of the Parish Pastoral Centre to completion. It is with great excitement that I can announce that on the 19th January 2015 the builders will move on site and by August the Centre will be completed.
The vision of this building has been held by many people over the years as they saw the need to upgrade the bathroom facilities, provide a place for people to meet for tea/coffee after Mass, particularly our senior Parishioners, during the week. There will be two meeting rooms and a new Parish Office. Through a process of consultation, presentation of the plans, contact with our neighbours and Fingal County Council we now have a plan that fulfills the needs of the Parish at this time. Earlier in the year we appointed James Ahern as our Architect and through a tender process he has recommended Duke Construction of Clanbrassil Street to do the building work.
I would like to thank the members of the Parish Pastoral Centre Development Group who have undertaken to see the project through the various stages to completion. Each one has brought a lot of wisdom to the various stages of design development.
We now look forward to seeing the building rise from the ground and Duke Construction have assured us that they will cause as a little disruption as possible to the daily activities in the Church.
Michael McDermott, Chairperson of the Pastoral Centre Development Group