15th February 2021
We invite you to join us in our Lenten Scripture study. We will be reading St Paul’s letters to the Galatians and the Ephesians. The study will commence on Monday 15th February. Our study of Galatians will take place over four weeks, followed by a three week study of Ephesians. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the study will be home based. There will be an optional Zoom, on-line group discussion/questions and answers facility available from 7.30 to 8.30 pm each Monday night. The current difficult situation may be an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship with Christ through becoming more familiar with the Word of God. Both letters are relatively short, with only six chapters in each, so either would be ideal for the newcomer to Scripture Study. There is no charge to take part so why not give it a go?

Friday 5th March 2021
Time: 12 NOON (on-line)
Through the worship service we hear the voices of the Vanuatu women, located in the South Pacific Ocean who invite us to focus on the Bible story in Matthew 7:24-27. Jesus tells a story about the kingdom of heaven using the image of a house and the land on which the house is built. Choosing the land on which to build a house in this area is an important decision for people in Vanuatu. The combination of considering the terrain and the climate is crucial as the area is prone to earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions and rising sea levels. On 6th April 2020, Vanuatu was hit by Cyclone Harold, which had made its way across the Pacific destroying many islands in its wake.

21st February 2021
To begin Lent, the 2021 Trócaire Lenten Campaign will be launched on the RTE Mass on Sunday 21st February at 11:00am. The celebrant will be Fr. Paul Thornton with the Music Group and Ministers of the Word from Brackenstown Parish. We invite you to join us for the Mass and to light your candle for Awut and Ajak from South Sudan who are on the front of this years Trócaire Box.
Trócaire Boxes are available in the Church and can be returned there at the end of Lent. You can also make a donation online at

LENT 2021
Beginning 24th February 2021
It is time to renew our hope!
For we are a Community of faith, hope and love. This Lent, let us take the opportunity to connect with God and with each other. We may be confused with all that is going on in our lives but God says ‘I am with you, I love you’
Beginning on February 24th, you are invited each Wednesday at 7.30pm to an Evening of Reflection broadcast from
Brackenstown Church. There will a guest speaker who will reflect on some aspect of Lent, as well as gentle music and prayer. This will also be broadcast on Facebook so you can watch back at a later time. Full details next week
Join us for Pastoral Conversations - Tuesdays @ 8pm
February 23rd - Would you listen to Him?
March 2nd - Songs of the Sanctuary
March 9th - Into the Light March 16th - Seeds of Hope
Presented by a team from the Office for Evangelisation & the Liturgy Resource Centre. To book email
Receive a daily message on your phone to aid your reflection and journey during lent. If you like to register contact Christina Malone 0857162 152
Faithfest is back!! Join us for an evening of games, music, workshop, chats and prayer. Faithfest will take place 5 March from 6:30 – 8:30 online for 13-18 year olds. . For more information email:
Check out for more ideas on living Lent

By 6th January 2021
Each year we support Alice Leahy Homeless Trust with our Epiphany Gifts. Things are a bit different this year and Alice has sent us a wish list of the things they need. If you can help please put the items beside the Christmas Tree in the Church up to 6th January.
Jeans – Mens: Waist 30/32/34. Ladies: All sizes:
T-Shirts/Shirts/Jumpers / Fleeces / Hoodies
Shoes/Runners – Mens 7/8/9/10/11. Ladies: All sizes
Sleeping Bags/Tracksuits /Anoraks – Ladies/Mens
Towels/Rucksacks / schoolbags
Disposable Razors/Hair brushes and combs/Soap/Shampoo/Deodorants/Perfume/After-shave
Please note only aerosols (roll-on deodorants can only be used once)
Shaving Cream/Gel/Disposable Razors/Toothbrushes
Tea/Coffee/Cup A Soups
Small bars/sweets

27th December 2020
Petra was on a faith journey with a group of parishioners for a year and half and was ready to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at Easter 2020. Then as we all know we were not able to gather for worship at Easter. Up to this time she was joining the faith community for the readings at the 12.30 mass each Sunday. She was then led out by the Book of the Gospel and a member of the team after the homily to further reflect on the Word of God. On the First Sunday of Lent this year she went to the Pro Cathedral where Archbishop Diarmuid presided at the Rite of Election which is the last step of preparation for initiation at Easter. Petra joins us this Sunday for one final week of preparation during the 11 mass and we are delighted to plan her Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist for next Sunday, the Feast of the Holy Family during the 11am mass.

13th December 2020
For the past several decades, each year on Gaudete Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of Advent, children & adults bring their Baby Jesus figures from the crib at their homes to St. Peter’s Square where the Pope blesses both the people and the figurines during the Angelus. Our Bambinelli Blessing, the blessing of the infant for the crib will take place at the three Masses this weekend. Our crib will be blessed during the Angelus on Christmas Eve and the bambinelli will be placed in the crib. As our crib is in the porch this year we encourage you to visit the crib when you are out for your walk. It looks best in the evening time.

16th December 2020 @ 7:30pm
The Annual Christmas Carol Service will take place online only for this year. You can view it on the parish webcam by going to the website: and clicking on the webcam icon at the top right of the home page.

December 2020
Times are difficult for everyone at the moment particularly the most vulnerable people in our community. As the need for people to access our services increases, we are finding it more difficult to keep our stock at a level that can cope with the demand.
Donations of new toiletry products and in their original packaging please: Community Food Bank, Priest’s Houses, St. Cronan’s Church, Brackenstown Rd, Swords.
A simple way communities can support each other...

By 7th December 2020
For Christmas Eve, the Nativity Play will be pre-recorded and we need your help! We are asking you to draw/paint/sketch your favourite scene from the Christmas Story which will be used to create our Virtual Nativity. Some of the pictures needed are:
· Joseph and Mary on their way to Bethlehem
· The Shepherds in the Fields
· Angels in the Sky with the Star
· The three kings
· Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the Stable
· Any other ideas you get from the Christmas story.
Use as much colour and imagination as you like!
Don't forget to include your name.

25th November 2020 at 7:30pm
Our Annual Mass for Deceased is a time when we gather as a community to remember our loved ones who have gone to God during the past year. This year the Mass will be celebrated online. We invite all who have been bereaved over the past year to join us via the webcam.

22nd November 2020
This year because we cannot come together for our Annual Carol Service, we invite all choir members and those with a love of music to celebrate the Feast of St. Cecilia with us. St. Cecilia was forced by her parents to marry a pagan nobleman named Valerian (future saint Valarian) and during the wedding, Cecilia sat apart singing to God in her heart, and for that she was later declared the Patron Saint of music and musicians.
Please note all services are shared via webcam

28th August 2020
On Friday night Archbishop Martin ordained Declan Colgan from our Parish and Declan Barry from Clontarf, working in Priorswood Parish, as Permanent Deacons. On Saturday we had the Confirmation Ceremonies for Thornleigh and Swords Educate Together Schools. We would like to thank all those who worked so hard to have our Church looking so beautiful for these occasions, our cleaning team, our Caretakers Christie, Aaron and Kristina. Maura who created such beautiful flower arrangements. Dermot for the PowerPoint and photography, Orla, Gretta and Niamh with David and Denice for the music on Friday night. Orla, Purple, Cinadu and Nicole for the music on Saturday. Our Altar Servers and Ministers of the Eucharist. Louise in the Parish Office, Niamh and Fr. Bibin. Our Stewarding Team both in the Car Park and Church who did such an amazing job. Thank you to one and all for everything you did to make it all work so well.
Starting on Monday 5th October 2020
Our Autumn Scripture Study classes will commence on Monday 5th October and over the next 3 weeks we will read Paul’s early letters, 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
This will be followed by a 4 week study of St Paul’s letter to the Romans, which has long held pride of place in Paul’s writings to the early Christian churches.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the study will be home based. There will be an optional Zoom, on-line group discussion/questions and answers facility available from 7.30 to 8.30pm each Monday night. We will have one or two trial runs on Zoom beforehand for those who are not familiar with the technology. The current difficult situation may be an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship with Christ through becoming more familiar with the Word of God.

September 2020
The amount of the Lenten contribution from Brackenstown parish was €8295.26. This is an amazing amount to receive from the people of your parish and thank you so much for the enormous generosity shown to support the work of Trócaire.
You played a great part in gaining us coverage of our work on both local and national media channels and we are very grateful for your support also. Donations made through the annual Trócaire Lenten Campaign, especially the Trócaire box, fund lifesaving programmes around the world. Millions of people who live without access to adequate water supplies, sanitation and healthcare continue to live with the threat of COVID-19. Your donations have made a great difference at a time when it was most needed by some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. We are humbled by your kindness and care.
"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion,
and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” (2 Cor 9:11)
As we make small steps on the way to deal with the challenges of Covid-19, we wish you all God’s blessings on this journey together.

29 August; 13, 19, 20 & 26 September and 3 October 2020
Due to outbreak of Coronavirus, First Holy Communion for St. Cronan's JNS, GSBB, Swords & Thornleigh ETNS Schools had to be postponed. The new dates are Sunday 13th & 20th September for St. Cronan's JNS. The First Communions scheduled for Saturday 19th September for Swords & Thornleigh ETNS and Saturday 26th September for Gaelscoil Briain Boroimhe will be rescheduled when we leave Level 3 and go back to Level 2 restrictions.
The Confirmation Ceremony for Swords & Thornleigh ETNS Schools has also been postponed and will now be rescheduled when we leave Level 3 and go back to Level 2 restrictions.

From Monday 25th May 2020
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the study will be home based. Each Monday a short five minute animated video will be emailed to you, this gives an overview of the reading for that week. We will start on Monday 25th May and the video for that week will cover chapters 1 & 2 of Luke. There will be an optional Zoom, on-line group discussion/questions and answers facility available on each Monday night. The current difficult situation may be an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship with Christ through becoming more familiar with the Word of God.
There is no charge to join in so why not give it a go?
For more details please email Paddy at

19th April 2020
Due to outbreak of Coronavirus, all Services are shared via webcam.

12th April 2020
Due to outbreak of Coronavirus, all or our Easter Services were shared via webcam.
“We can find in our hearts ways to celebrate the mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection and draw from that mystery the strength to allow goodness to triumph in our lives.”
A message of Hope from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin for Holy Week 2020

Date to be confirmed
Due to outbreak of Coronavirus, First Holy Communion for St. Cronan's JNS, GSBB, Swords & Thornleigh ETNS Schools have been postponed.
The Confirmation Ceremony for Swords & Thornleigh ETNS Schools have been postponed.
Please watch for updates on the parish Newsletter, Facebook page and our website.

Date to be confirmed
Due to outbreak of Coronavirus, the Parish Retreat has been postponed. Please watch for updates on the parish Newsletter, Facebook page and our website.

February & March 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Cronan's Church this year. May they know the blessing of the gift of God's love in their lives along with the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We remember the boys and girls of Thornleigh and Swords Educate Together Schools in our prayers as they await a new date for Confirmation.

Starting 25th November 2019
Brackenstown Parish have organised a series of talks and events in St. Cronan's Parish Centre to celebrate Advent.
Monday 25th November at 8:00pm: An Introduction to Islam By Imam Khan
Monday 2nd December at 8:00pm: Alice Leahy of Trust - Caring for the Homeless
Monday 9th December at 8:00pm: Br. Martin Bennett OFM Cap. - St. Francis and the Christmas Crib
Thursday 12th December at 7:30pm: St. Cronan’s Senior School Carol Service
Sunday 15th December at all Masses: Bambinelli Sunday - Bring your Crib to be Blessed at all our Masses
Tuesday 17th December at 8:00pm: Star of Bethlehem - A Reflection on this Holy Place
9th December to Monday 23rd December: Advent Prayer Stations
A Creative Journey through Seven Prayer Stations around the Church